I take photographs, film and draw.
I write.
I go back to look at photographs again and I write.
I go on drawing.
It makes no difference.

I have gone to courses, workshops, seminars and working critique sessions.
Fotoclub, high school and the Universidad de Buenos Aires.
With Alejandro Kuropatwa, Martín Weber, Tamara Stuby, Esteban Álvarez, Fabiana Barreda, Liliana Bustos, Dino Bruzzone, Patricia Hakim, Victoria Noorthoorn, Raúl Flores, Diego Fernando Guerra, Rosa Lesca, Selva Almada and Julián López, among others.

I study.
Various things, mixed together.
Everything mixed.
I read.

From 1996 to 1999 I studied Architecture at the FADU at the Universidad de Buenos Aires.
In the final year of the degree program, just before I left it, I submitted a series of photographs in the 30×30 años de Arquitectura competition, organized jointly by La Nación newspaper and the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes.
I photographed the Biblioteca Nacional (National Library), as many did.
I won the First Prize.
I never graduated.
My memory of it shines.

I didn’t sleep for years.

Education is a path.
A long sum of experiences,
and at the same time
a whole.
Everything mixed.

I wanted to translate photographs to a language that would enable the blind to read them by touch.
I met Horacio Bracco. He had lost his sight in an accident. At the time he had spent as many years seeing as not seeing.
Every Friday in 1999 I visited Tamara Stuby and Esteban Álvarez in their studio/house in Avellaneda. With great generosity and intelligence, they taught me photo-etching techniques.

I was awarded the Beca Subsidio a la Creación Artística grant from the Fundación Antorchas, which allowed me to carry out the Escenografías (Sets) photo project (2004).
The series won 4th Prize at the LVIII Salón Nacional de Rosario (2004) and was short-listed for the Cultural Chandon Tucumán competitive show (2005).

I received a grant to participate in the Programa Intercampos held at the Espacio Fundación Telefónica (2005).

I participated in the El Batiscafo residency program in Cuba, and, months later, in the NIFCA (Nordic Institute of Contemporary Art) residency in Finland (2006).

Way too hot and way too cold.

I was short-listed in the Premio Hotel Panamericano Proyectos Site Specific competition in Bariloche (2008).

Everything I’ve ever done
is together now in time.
All together,
All mixed.

I independently edited and published a book of poems, ¿Alguna vez viste un pino balanceándose así? (Have You Ever Seen a Pine Tree Sway That Way) in 2014.

I went to Finland again, this time to participate in the Arteles Creative Residency Program (2015).

Nothing but daylight.

I independently edited and published a book of poetic prose, El ascensor cruzando el patio (The Elevator Across the Courtyard) in 2018.

It’s hard to tell what I learned where.
Since at the outset, I was already thinking of writing while taking photographs.
Since I draw while writing.
Since I photograph while writing.
Since I draw while taking photographs.
Since I draw without writing.

I work.

I teach photography.
I am an assistant for Alberto Goldenstein.
I work at an advertising agency.
I documented León Ferrari’s work and exhibitions. I organize his library.
I work at a Notary Public office.
And at a bookshop.
I catalog photographic archives for others.
I write texts for artists and document exhibitions.
I collaborate in graphic media. Crisis, El Gourmet, La Mano, Gatopardo, Original Voice and Superlab, among others.

I celebrate artists, writers and great friends with whom the dialog has been and continues to be highly valuable.
My deepest thanks to Guadalupe Gaona, Verónica Gómez, Julieta Ferrari Zamorano, Dolores Amat, Alejandro Tosso, Mariana Maggio, Silvina D’Alessandro, Mónica Millán, Javier López del Carril, Silvia Gurfein, Patricio Larrambebere, Laula Baetti, Mauro López, Hernán Giagante, Gonzalo Ordoñez, Marianela Orozco Rodríguez, Adonis Flores, Helmut Battista, Eva Linder, Anna Adahl, Elizabeth Withstandley, Gioj De Marco, Julia Nin, Ezequiel Pérez, Roberto Gárriz and Fernando Gioia, among many others.

All together, all mixed.

I have participated in solo and group exhibitions in Argentina and abroad.
Un museo como una novela eterna, Centro Universitario de Arte, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Curator: Jimena Ferreiro (2018); Smoke & Mirrors, Torrance Art Museum, Los Ángeles, Curators: Elizabeth Withstandley and Gioj De Marco (2018); 106ª edición Salón Nacional de Artes Visuales, Drawing (2017); El ojo despierto, Concurso de Artes Visuales 2016, Fondo Nacional de las Artes (2017); Excéntricos y Superilustrados, Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, Curators: Javier Villa, Sofía Dourron and Laura Hakel (2016); Poetics of expansion. Eight views of Contemporary Argentine Photography, Dot Fifty One Gallery, Miami, USA (2011); Entre Bienales, 6a VentoSul Bienal de Curitiba, Brazil, Curator: Cristian Segura (2011); Documentos para un futuro imperfecto, Fundación Gilberto Alzate Avedaño, Bogotá, Colombia, Curator: Esteban Álvarez (2011); Juste de passage, Le 19, Montbéliard, France, Curator: Philippe Cyroulnik (2010); Documentos para un futuro imperfecto, Fondo Nacional de las Artes, Buenos Aires, Curator: Esteban Álvarez (2010); Lindero, Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires, Curator: Ana Gallardo (2009); Volar y chocar (Fly and Collide), Galería Ernesto Catena Fotografía Contemporánea, Buenos Aires (2009); Camas, Galería Ernesto Catena Fotografía Contemporánea, Buenos Aires, Curator: Victoria Noorthoorn (2008); Fundación Deloitte, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires (2008); Videoarte Club, Galería Florencia Loewenthal, Santiago de Chile, Curator: Cristian Segura (2007); Finlandia (Finland), Galería Ernesto Catena Fotografía Contemporánea, Buenos Aires (2007); Raúl Flores – Alejandra Urresti, Microespacio Fotografía, Centro Cultural de España de Buenos Aires, Curator: Esteban Álvarez; Fuga Jurásica 8, Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires (2006); Eco, Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires, Curator: Esteban Álvarez (2005); Evolución, Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires, Project and Curator: Pablo Lapaluda (2005); Z-LAB, Galería Zavaleta Lab, Buenos Aires (2005); Larga vida (Long Life), Facultad de Psicología, Buenos Aires (2004); LVIII Salón Nacional de Rosario 2004, Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes Juan B. Castagnino, Rosario (2004); Adobe photoshop clip image is too big to be exported, Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires (2004); Territorios Ocupados, Fundación Telefónica, Buenos Aires, Curators: Corinne Sacca Abadi and Valeria González (2004); Interama, Centro Cultural Ricardo Rojas, Buenos Aires (2003); Concurso 30×30 años de Arquitectura, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires (1999); among others.

I live and work in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

All together, all mixed.